Personal Finance-How to plan for succession of assets located in different countries
How to plan for succession of assets located in different countries
A separate will can be drafted as per the
local laws so that it can be easily executed in each jurisdiction and
interpreted by the Court
With globalization,
Indians have acquired assets in India and other countries. One can either
prepare a single multi-jurisdictional will or separate situs wills for
its succession. Both are valid.
What is a separate situs Will?
It is a Will that covers the assets located in a particular
legal jurisdiction and is executed in accordance with that
jurisdiction’s laws.
What is a multi-jurisdiction will?
It is a single Will which covers the
assets in all the jurisdictions.
Why are separate situs Wills a better option than a single multi-jurisdiction Will?
A separate will can be drafted as per the
local laws so that it can be easily executed in each jurisdiction and
interpreted by the Court.
A separate will can be directly
submitted to probate without waiting for it to be probated in your home
jurisdiction and then probating it in the second jurisdiction which is a
two-step time consuming process. Problems may also arise if the original will
is retained by a foreign court.
Separate wills reduce the total
probate fees. It avoids duplication of probate fees being paid in several
jurisdictions on the same assets.
Separate will ensure greater
privacy. Only those assets which are included in the separate will needs to be
disclosed during the probate process as opposed to having to disclose your
worldwide assets.
Problems can occur when different
interpretation for important terms is made. For example, will the term
“children” under local law include or exclude step children, adopted children
or illegitimate children? Does the term “spouse” refer to only legally married
spouses or live-in-partner’s or same sex spouses?
Each type of asset may have a
different rule with respect to its transmission in different jurisdictions. g.
in India if an immovable property is held jointly, the joint holder can
bequeath his/her share under a Will. In some countries in case of joint
ownership the asset automatically passes on to the surviving joint
holder. Your local attorney would have knowledge of such issues.
Where there are discrete assets in a
jurisdiction which are intended to be left to different beneficiaries in that
jurisdiction, it will be better to deal with those assets in a separate will.
Many countries have a forced
heirship laws and community property rules which does not allow complete
testamentary freedom. In India the Muslim personal laws and the state of Goa
has certain restrictions. Such local laws shall be considered while
preparing a Will.
What are the cautions to be exercised while executing separate Wills?
Revocation clauses – The separate
Wills shall clearly contain clauses so as not to revoke a will pertaining to
another jurisdiction and vice-versa. Both the Wills shall mention that the two
Wills are concurrent to each other so that the Will which is executed later
does not revoke the earlier Will.
Residuary clause – The separate
wills may omit certain assets within a particular jurisdiction. Residuary
clauses need to be carefully drafted to avoid conflict.
Liquid assets in a jurisdiction may
be insufficient to discharge the taxes and liabilities of that jurisdiction.
The allocation of tax liabilities and which estate bears the burden would be a
key issue
Each will should clearly specify the
governing law applicable to the properties covered under a Will.
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